The Arc Southern Maryland

The Arc Southern Maryland

Thank you for your donation!

Thank you for your support!

Your donation will help The Arc Southern Maryland to continue to provide quality support and services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Increase the impact of your donation!
Tell your friends why you support The Arc and people with IDD and share our donate link ( with the hashtag #SupportTheArcSomd on social media.

Sample posts (copy, paste, post!)

“I donated to The Arc and [your cause]! Donate once, give twice with The Arc #Giving2sday @”

“I support The Arc Southern Maryland because (fill in your reason). Join me! #SupportTheArcSomd”

“I just donated! Support people with different abilities #SupportTheArcSomd”


For inquiries regarding your donation, please contact us or call (410) 535-2413.


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